
Second Submission and NaNoWriMo

Shortly after I learned that Worth It was accepted and would be a part of Dreamspinner Press’s 2013 Advent Calendar Anthology Heartwarming, I submitted a second short story for consideration for inclusion in another anthology.  I had written it during the summer and my awesome beta readers gave me their feed back.  I tweaked and polished it.  And even though I knew that DSP had accepted Worth It, I was still all sorts of nervous about submitting the second one.  When I started panicking and freaking out while I was waiting to hear, my dear friends talked me down.  I’ll tell you this, it wasn’t any easier the second time around.  I’m thinking it will always be like that.  I’m actually okay with that.

But the good news is that it was accepted as well!  It will be one of the stories in the Dr. Feelgood Anthology released in February by Dreamspinner Press.  I’ll give more details as to what and when and how when I have them.  But for now, I’m just excited that Matt and Alex’s story will be out there.  I love these guys.  And I can’t wait to hear what everyone thinks of their tale.

November is National Novel Writing Month.  50,000 words in 30 days.  I’m an official participant.  I’ve never written anything that large that fast, but I’m up for the challenge.  Yes, I’m having trouble with my WIP.  But it’s still in the plotting stages and I have three more days to figure out the sticky points and starting writing.  Or maybe I will write any one of the other dozen ideas in my head.  At any rate, by November I intend to have a novel completed and ready for my betas.  I know there will be tweaking and polishing and editing after they tell me what works and what doesn’t.  I’m going to put a progress bar on the side so you, if you want, you can see how far I’ve gotten.  Hopefully, it will be the first of many.

6 thoughts on “Second Submission and NaNoWriMo”

    1. Thanks! And I think you’re right. Though the waiting is nerve wracking, I’m okay with it as long as I always feel that excitement!


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