
Stuff and Things

Sometimes when life throws you a curveball, unexpected good comes out of it. And sometimes, with that good, there’s still some processing that needs to be done.

I was laid off. From that new job that seemed to be going so well. Halfway through my fifth week on the job, suddenly there was more restructuring and they “last in, first out” -ed me. To say I was shocked is an understatement. I was so shocked in fact I could do little more than just stare and say okay, grab my bags and leave. In hindsight it didn’t make any sense, given the state of things there, and I realized there was probably something else afoot. I could speculate for hours about what but there’s really no point. Ultimately, I was out of a day job.

So, as you can imagine, this took, and is still taking, some mental processing. On the upside, it couldn’t have happened at a better time for me financially. There are multiple reasons for that, but the bonus part is I didn’t, and don’t, have to look for another day job right this minute. I, for the first time, can focus on my writing full time. I highly doubt that will last forever, but for the moment, it can be. It’s something I’ve always wanted and I can indulge in that a bit.

So what does that look like? Well, I’ll have a book out this December with JMS Books, a holiday story that focuses on mates that I really adore. More details on that, and the event, when the time draws closer. I will tell you it’s called Soulmate for Solstice and there’s magic and shifters.

In other news, I’m working on revamping the Mages’ Mates stories and self publishing them. I have some spectacular covers I’ll share soon. They are in the process of getting more words added, and then they’ll get a good edit. Then I’ll put them out in the world for reader enjoyment. I’m still noodling Aeron’s story, and if there’s interest, Archer could be up for a story of his own. Weigh in in the comments if you wanna see that.

I’m also working on another project that I hope to release this December as well, but bear with me as I keep that a secret a little bit longer. 🙂

The other thing going on is I’m cowriting a book (or two) with fellow author Tia Fielding. We have plans and I think you’re going to like them. As we’re in the very early stages, I don’t have many details to share. Only that we’re planning and plotting, and have begun writing. We both adore these guys, and the way the story is shaping up.

Basically, there’s a bunch of good stuff coming in the next few months. And if I can really focus, some even more exciting things coming after that. As per usual, it’ll be a mix of PNR and contemporary romance. Maybe some D/s thrown in the mix. I have about 9 zillion plot bunnies, and like gremlins, if you get them wet they multiply and if you feed them after midnight they get teeth. So I just need to figure out which ones need a bath, and which ones need to be fed…and which ones need to be left alone so they don’t do either.

It’s all good, for now, and I’m working on bringing you plenty to read.