Flash Fic Friday, Serial

Flash Fic Friday

**And we’re back with episode 6 of Kyle and Asher’s tale. (Click here if you need to catch up) And as an added bonus, it also has a cameo from Alan…who’s finding his own relationship with Jon over at Nell’s house. I adore Alan so much, I asked if I could borrow him. And Nell decided to use Kyle as well. So here’s the other side of the conversation, and what happens next. Enjoy!**

I heard Kyle’s voice before I saw him, and just that much made me smile. The past few weeks had been amazing, and I looked forward to coming home more than I ever had. Because I was coming home to Kyle.

I just finished my shower when Kyle’s voice drifted up through the cracked open window. I stopped mid-towel.

“Okay. Stop being an idiot.” He paused for a second, and then “What’s going on that you need to be reminded of this?”

I chuckled. That answered whether he was talking to himself or not. Clearly he was on the phone. I dropped the towel in the hamper and pushed up the sash a bit more. Kyle paced back and forth on our patio, and he’d already lit the fire. Now that I’d cleaned the worst of the day off me, I was anxious to get down there and enjoy the evening with him.

I dressed at top speed, occasionally catching snippets of Kyle’s conversation that out of context meant absolutely nothing. But just as I was pulling on my sneakers, I heard something that made me freeze.

“Alan, babe, you really are an idiot.”

Babe? He was calling someone else babe? No. There was no way in hell he was dating someone else. I wouldn’t believe that. Kyle was not that guy, and even though we hadn’t talked in explicit words about what we wanted, it seemed clear to me we were on the same page. Or at least, I thought we were. I wasn’t worried, exactly, but I did jog down the stairs at a greater than normal speed. I needed to talk to him.

“You got that right. Go. Call me later and let me know what happened. Love you.”

Kyle blew out a breath as he thumbed off his phone and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Who do you love?” I hadn’t meant to say that, but now that it was out, it seemed as good a place as any for the conversation to start.

“What?” Kyle gave me his confused face, the one where the line between his brows squinched tight.

“Who were you calling babe and telling you love them?” When Kyle clearly still didn’t get it, I gestured to the phone in his hand. “Who were you talking to? You voice carried through the window.”

“Oh!” Kyle’s face lit up and then he shook his phone at me. “Alan. The fool. I love him, but holy crap. Poor man is high strung sometimes. Totally adorable, but high strung.”

I wracked my brains trying to put face or story to the name, but I was coming up empty. “Alan?”

Kyle nodded and cross the space between us. He shoved his phone in his pocket and wrapped his arms around my neck. “Alan. My best friend.” He inhaled, and added, “Damn you smell good.”

This close, my body reacted to his. I grabbed his waist and pulled him in tight so I could feel him everywhere. Then I bent my head and kissed him thoroughly and completely. I knew he wouldn’t cheat, and I hadn’t even considered the best friend as a possibility. I’d met Alan once a few months ago. Kyle’s assessment of him was pretty spot on.

Kyle eventually shoved me back, needing to breath, and he gave me a wicked grin. “Why Asher. You weren’t jealous were you?”

I shook my head, and then grinned. “For like, two seconds. Before I realized that there was no way you were cheating. Had to be something else.”

“You’re damn right. I’ve finally got you, I’m not letting you go and I’m not going to do anything to mess it up.”

“Same goes for me.” I kissed him again, and then tugged him down next to me in the oversized deckchair. It was a tight fit, and he had to drape a leg over my lap. I was fine with that.

As the night settled around us, I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. A few months ago, I’d never have imagined this as my life. Now, with Kyle tucked against me, I couldn’t imagine anything else.

9 thoughts on “Flash Fic Friday”

  1. Awwww. Lol. Asher’s question “Who do you love?” sounds almost like a fishing expedition, so I’m not surprised Kyle doesn’t get it at first 🙂

    And Alan says to tell you he’s offended over being described as high strung 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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